

Beautiful patio by the water with patio roof

Moderno-Insulated-Aluminum-Roof-Renaissance-PatioIf enhancing your ability to enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort and privacy of your home isn’t enough motivation to install Renaissance patio roofing, consider how such an installation also will increase the saleability and value of your home.

A key buzz-phrase among real estate professionals is curb appeal. How does the house show? Once you install a Renaissance designer patio cover, shade solution, or screen system, you’ll have a tough time leaving the magnificent outdoor area you’ve created. Along that line, when a real estate professional brings over a potential buyer, it will be even tougher for that buyer to walk away from the ambiance of your sheltered outdoor utopia.


Keep in mind that property showings can occur in the middle of a hot and hectic day during which a potential buyer might visit multiple properties. Picture the difference between potential buyers briefly stepping out onto your scalding patio before scurrying back indoors, versus those same buyers relishing a respite from their busy day to pause and admire the beauty of your surrounding yard.

With a Renaissance patio cover, pergola, or backyard gazebo, you’ve transformed your sun-scathed patio or open grassy area into a beautiful outdoor space that begs buyers to sit down, relax, and take a breather! The space for an outdoor break adds that extra touch that will make your home unforgettable when their long day is done.

A beautiful and durable patio roof also will add value to your home. Geographical distinctions to consider along this line include:

  • In the South, where patios and outdoor spaces around the home are used practically year-round, your shaded area is more likely to produce a higher return on investment.
  • In the North, patio covers that can withstand winter weather produce better ROI numbers, underscoring the importance of all Renaissance patio products being engineered to handle Colorado snow loads.

When all is said and done, it’s safe to say that while it may not repay you dollar for dollar, patio roofing is a universally popular upgrade and you’re likely to recoup a good deal of the cost.

Two Kinds of Value

Whether you’re motivated by the need for solar protection, the desire to beat the heat, or a quest to beat back the bugs, it’s important to remember that although a Renaissance shade system or screen solution surely will add to your home’s sale price, the greatest value comes through the lifestyle enhancements associated with being able to fully appreciate the great outdoors.

As icing on the cake, you can rest assured those very points will resonate with real estate pros who show your property, as well as buyers who value the ability to relish outdoor relaxation from the comfort and privacy of their new abode.

Ready to talk to an expert about your patio dreams?
Get your custom quote or call us at 1-866-224-4891